About Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a safe and effective treatment for musculo-skeletal problems, using hands-on techniques to assess and treat any dysfunction affecting the normal working of the body.

Osteopathic techniques work with the body's own natural ability to heal. A variety of methods can be used to stretch and mobilise the muscles, ligaments and joints to provide pain relief and improve function. 

During a course of treatment, advice is given to help an individual to identify areas in which they can help themselves. This may include the best exercise to strengthen the problem area, postural advice and ergonomic set up at work

osteopathy treatment head

What Do Osteopaths Treat?

Hol-Med Clinic - Heaton Mersey

Monday to Friday
Call 0161 442 8513 - Osteopathy & chiropody bookings
Call 07801 542 669 - Acupuncture bookings

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