The Four Basic Stretches

Here are the 4 basic stretches to do when you are suffering an episode of mechanical low back pain. Please consult with Margaret or Jamie if you have any concerns about whether they are right for your condition.

Bring one knee to the chest at a time. Hug both knees and gently rock side to side or in circles.


Core stability
1. Pull in abdomen flattening the low back into the floor


Gently drop knees from right to left, keeping feet in the middle
Alternative if more comfortable





Lift up slowly onto elbows, hold for 30 seconds, slowly lower again.
Lift up slowly onto elbows, hold for 30 seconds, slowly lower again.
Alternative. Bend back only as far as is comfortable. Hold for 5 seconds.

3 thoughts on “The Four Basic Stretches”

    1. I’m pleased to hear that you’ve found this useful Lynn. What this space for more advice and tips in the near future!

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